Welcome to my blog, my name is Ryan Connor and I attend Suffolk New College where I am studying AS level Media studies. The coursework in this subject consists of producing a three minute opening sequence of a Film Noir thriller.
Within this I must do research and planning, which will establish my aims on how I will create my opening sequence. The practical part of this coursework will show I can construct a completed Film Noir opening sequence. Once I have completed the film opening I will then complete an evaluation using all of my Media theory. Before I create my main piece of coursework I will complete a preliminary exercise consisting of a short film sequence.
The theme of the film opening I produce is “contemporary Film Noir thrillers”. While updating the Film Noir genre, it will also bring the codes and conventions to a new audience. I will be making the film in a group of four and each of us will undertake the many roles and responsibilities of producing the opening sequence of a Film Noir.